Management Board



Location: Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel



Date:       22 February 2016


Time:      12.30 - 15.00


For more information, please contact:


Liz Jardine

0300 200 6226




Agenda MB (02-16)



Annual Governance Statement discussion

This meeting will form a key formal element of the process for gathering the assurances that the Accounting Officer needs for the production of the Governance Statement for 2015-16. Based on the draft Assurance Statements submitted by Directors, the meeting will provide an opportunity collectively to analyse the current position on the effectiveness of the Assembly’s governance arrangements and agree improvements to be made.

One of the Commission’s Independent Advisers, Keith Baldwin, will be attending the meeting to provide challenge and scrutiny.



1    Introductions, apologies and declarations of interest 




2    Communication note to staff - Kathryn Potter 




Main items



3    Objectives for the meeting  (Pages 1 - 4)

MB 02-16 Paper 1 - Governance Statement - Purpose and Analysis
MB 02-16 Paper 1 - Annex A - NAfW Assurance Framework diagram with RAG status



4    Discussion of draft Directorate Assurance Statements, with each Director to lead by summarising:  (Pages 5 - 32)

MB 02-16 Paper 1 - Annex B - Directorate  Assurance Statement 2015-16

MB 02-16 Paper 1 - Annex C - Summary of Analysis 2015-16

·         Aspects for their Directorate that have strengthened;

·         Any concerns for this financial year; and

·         Development areas for the next financial year.



5    Summary and next steps   


·         Action to finalise the Assurance Statements

·         Items of corporate significance for inclusion in the Governance Statement

·         Improvements to be made by the end of the financial year and beyond



Winding up the meeting



